A provider of EHR, practice management (PM) and revenue cycle management (RCM) solutions for medical practices, Aprima Medical Software, has achieved former reseller Healthcare Data Solutions (HDS) of Coral Cables, FL. Aprima will assume complete support for HDS’s customers as part of the agreement, which involve almost 300 providers in 125 medical practices across fifteen states. Financial terms weren’t revealed.
An integrated population health management company, Apollo Medical Holdings, Inc. ("ApolloMed"), today declared that one of its subsidiaries, APA ACO, Inc. has been opted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to participate and engage in the Next Generation ACO Model ("NGACO Model"). CMS will partner with APA ACO and other ACOs experienced in coordinating care for populations of Medicare sufferers and whose providers are ready to assume higher levels of financial risk and reward under this latest Advanced Alternative Payment Model ("APM") through this innovative program. The NGACO Model builds upon ApolloMed's experience and infrastructure investments in the MSSP ACO program since the year of 2012.
In accordance to today’s announcement of CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services), McLaren High Performance Network, LLC was opted as one of ninety-nine latest Shared Savings Program accountable care organizations (ACOs), offering Medicare beneficiaries with access to high-quality, coordinated care across the United States. Starting on January 1, 2017, a total of 480 Shared Savings Program ACOs are serving over nine million assigned beneficiaries.
The deadline for eligible hospitals in the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) and Meaningful Use (MU) programs has been extended by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to submit their electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) data from the year of 2016.
The famous leading provider of clinical & business management software for independent medical practices, Kareo, declared today that a latest survey indicated that 84 percent of medical practices are not certain what Quality Payment Program (QPP) of MACRA will require of their practice. In spite of this uncertainty, most of these same physicians hope to participate in it to the best of their capability. With payment adjustments possibly acquiring plus or minus 9% by the time period of 2022, a good news for all. It points out that most practices intend to do what is important to neglect an adjustment and/or attempt to get an incentive.
An addendum to eCQM (Electronic Clinical Quality Measure) specifications has been recently posted by CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) that is affecting ICD-10 value sets.
A latest addendum to the 2016 eCQM specifications upgrades ICD-10 Clinical Modification (CM) and Procedure Coding System (PCS) eCQM value sets for the 2017 performing year. The CMS and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) released the modifications and changes. A certificate of need or CON application has been filed by the University of Vermont (UVM) Medical Center, with the state of Vermont Jan. 3, seeking approval to develop a unified electronic health record (EHR) system across 4 hospitals in the University of Vermont Health Network.
Andy Slavitt, acting Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) administrator, tweeted “Still not done” as another item — the launch of the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model — was scratched off of his punch list on the day of Thursday.
The famous leader in continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for individuals with diabetes, DexCom, Inc., is glad to declare the verification of a benefit category and coverage for CGM by CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services). In case to be involved in this category, the system must be termed as “therapeutic” CGM, meaning you can make treatment decisions by utilizing the device. The Dexcom G5 Mobile, today, is the mere CGM system that falls within this classification.
For further information about this topic, please visit www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Rulings/Downloads/CMS1682R.pdf. Compulink Demonstrates MACRA-Ready Ophthalmology EHR and ASC Solution at Hawaiian Eye℠ 20171/12/2017 A renowned leader in EHR and Practice Management for ophthalmology, Compulink Business Systems, Inc., will showcase the latest modifications and enhancements to its Ophthalmology Advantage™ system at the Hawaiian Eye meeting in Kauai. Among the significant innovations is OneTab—a single tab exam layout that permits providers to conveniently view and document the exam from one screen.
September 2024