The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015, usually known as “MACRA,” has provided a latest approach to Medicare physician payment and two latest payment plans or schemes by replacing the oft-criticized Sustainable Growth Rate. During the time of late April, the key details encircling the law’s implementation were issued by CMS; although, it is very significant to note down that the final rule is yet forthcoming and various incorporate important changes in reaction to public comments made on the intended rule.
Many stakeholders are attempting to understand the implications of this vital legislation, physicians and other providers—whose reaction is believe to be very critical for the victory of MACRA—must be ready quickly and almost instantly make decisions over which incentive program to take and what proposed measures will give rise to the prospects for victory. Commencing on the day of January 1, 2017, the performance of physicians’ and other contributors’ will evaluate their payment rate updates. Due to the time needed to collect and evaluate performance information, spending and other performance steps in calendar year 2017 will gives the basis for physician payments in the year of 2019.
September 2024